Yacht Port Cartagena colabora con el proyecto Tortuga a Bordo
31/10/2016 | From Yacht Port Cartagena

Yacht Port Cartagena welcomes the “Tortuga a Bordo” project

Yacht Port Cartagena, committed to CSR, actively collaborates with the project “Tortuga a Bordo”, with the goal of improving the marina turtles´ situation on the coast of the Communities of Andalucía and Murcia.
This project intends to facilitate the rescue of injured or sick turtles found at sea for transfer to recovery centres.

Cartel Cartagineses y Romanos
01/09/2016 | What to do

Carthaginians and Romans are back in Cartagena

From 16th to 25th September 2016 the Carthaginians and Romans festivity revive the founding of Cartagena, with 25 Carthaginian troops and 25Roman legions that stage for 10 days the most important feats occurred in the city in the years of its founding.

Diosa Maat en YPC
03/08/2016 | Sin categoría

The “Azul Oscuro Casi Plástico” project stops at Yacht Port Cartagena

The sailing yacht Diosa Maat, of Ecologistas en Acción, stops at Yacht Port Cartagena during its navigation along the Mediterranean fighting the mass of garbage in the sea.

Sail a Future en Yacht Port Cartagena (7)
15/06/2016 | From Yacht Port Cartagena

Yacht Port Cartagena joins the “Sail the Future” project

Yacht Port Cartagena opens its doors to Sail a Future project, led by the renowned dutch artist Hetty van der Linden, founder of the association Paint a Future.